Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 Days of Water

I am on a challenge roll. lol I woke up this morning and did my daily blog scanning. I saw a new challenge is being hosted by Jen and Divachyk. I just had to join. I drink a decent amount of water daily but I can definitely step my water intake up. My goal is to drink about 5 16.9oz bottles of water daily, With me working in a child care center I can't run in and out of the classroom that much, I will be repurchasing my 74 oz jug that I got from Walmart last year. Hopefully they still have it. So that all I have to do is full up once in the morning. The one thing that annoys about drinking a lot of water is the constant bathroom breaks. I feel like every few minutes I am running to the bathroom. lol The benefits are hoping to see is more supple skin, better moisturized hair, and (tmi alert) lighter color urine. I can't stand when it is darker in color. lol Let's do this!

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