Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mini Manetabolism Update

I'm still taking the vitamins every night with a bottle of water. I haven't been good about keeping up with length checks mainly because they are hard to do by yourself. The other reason is that since I just cut off a good amount from my ends it was really kinda pointless. With that said, now I am moreso using them to help get the new growth out a little quicker and to possibly do another cut in August depending on how much growth I retain. If I were to cut the bone straight ends off today the longest parts would be right at the base of my neck and that is too short for me. lol Aside from the vitamins I am doing my best to eat better not only for my hair health but my overall health. I still haven't experienced any side effects from taking them. So no complaints.


  1. Sounds good, I've taken two bottles and got like 3 inches growth. Waiting for my third and forth bottles to turn up :)
