Tuesday, April 2, 2013

All Natural Product Challenge Has Come to an End

I know you all forgot all about this challenge. lol It ended the weekend that I had my hair highlighted. This challenge lasted a full 2 months and it was a success. Shi-Naturals and Silk Dreams were in full rotation during this time. I didn't use a lot of the non-natural products as much as thought as would. When I wanted to use a protein product instead of using the 2 Minute Reconstructor, I did use it maybe once, I used the Silk Dreams Mocha Silk Infusion. I did use the Proclaim Olive Glossing Conditioner as my rinse out but mostly used the Curls Unleashed No Restrictions Conditioner. The TreSemme Naturals and Garnier Fructis were used to help detangle every wash day.

Overall, I am loving the condition that my hair is in. My hair has gained a good amount thickness and is healthier than it has ever been. This is no longer a challenge for me. I am sticking to using mostly naturals products from now on. As long as Shia (Shi-Naturals owner) and Jorien (Silk Dreams owner) continue to make these great products they will always have a customer in me. I think that you can see the difference in my hair from the picture below. Consistency is key!


  1. I really like the color. And your health is looking great!

  2. I am with you on the natural products. My hair is thicker, stays moisturized better and longer and I trim WAY less since incorporating them into my regimen. I agree with Tasia, your hair looks amazing! Good job!

    1. Thanks Age! I don't have to trim as much either. I am always paranoid about my ends but they are thriving.
