Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What I miss about bone straight hair

Yes, sometimes I really miss having bone straight hair. What don't miss though is the feeling of having to get a touch-up every 4 weeks. Yikes! Anyway, here a few things I miss about it.

Note: I won't be going back to it.

  1. Having my hair all one texture - Even though I have found a technique to making detangling easier for me I miss the ease of just combing my hair and going on about my business.
  2. Quicker wash days - I miss being able to wash my hair going back in one direction and wash it. That made wash days go by so much faster. With me dealing with new growth from stretching, texlaxed hair, and bone straight ends washing my hair like I use to is a no-no. Tangles galore. And I use up all the hot water. smh
  3. Ease of styling- Throwing my hair in ponytail and blow drying and flat ironing were so much easier.
Although I miss some things about bone straight hair, I love the texture of my new growth and texlaxed hair much more. I am willing to put up with longer wash days and styling challenges to get the healthier longer hair that I want.

Bonus Post:

I am not one to get bent out of shape over frivolous stuff but this picture rubbed me the wrong way when I saw it posted a few times on Instagram. The fact that people still believe this is true is something else. lol


  1. Wow, this pic is so unnecessary, but whatever we know that it is possible to have relaxed AND healthy hair!

  2. If they were trying to be funny...#EPICfail

    Not only is the picture STUPID, the implication is ignorant. People kill me running with ignorant propaganda. Get your facts straight FIRST before you spread misconstrued statements based on the experiences of a few. Relaxers don't take out people's hair unless YOU did something wrong or abuse them.

    1. It definitely wasn't funny to me. One of the captions that I saw just made me roll my eyes. Talking about these hoes gone learn. The peron who said it is natural and that's all well good. Being relaxed doesn't mean you'll be bald and being natural doesn't mean you will automatically have healthy hair.
